Total Player Kill
Lynx Designs
There was a lot of scope for this project. The brief was to design the main characters for a Dungeons & Dragons game, plus some monster characters, as well as items and a few splash/loading pages. Oh, and the branding/logo.
I was given free reign, and not limited to the worn-out fantasy style often associated with the genre. Being able to work in one’s own true style is liberating, and I had a lot of fun with this project. I think it comes through in the art!
So what we see here are four classic characters: The Cleric, Dwarf, Mage and Rogue. Some monsters include the Goblin, Giant Spider, Fire Monster, Rust Monster, Dragon, Gelatinous Cube, Hell Hound, Succubus, and Imp.
Plus some collectable items such as potions, scrolls, shields, armour and gems.
The Cleric
The Dwarf
The Mage
The Rogue