GQ Hollywood Orgy
So I've been a busy boy! Here's the first of a bunch of illustrations for US GQ magazine... all for a special entitled 'The Best F*!&ing Movies Ever'. It's a big Hollywood orgy featuring characters that have had interesting or famous sex scenes in cinema. Can you pick them all?
GQ Hollywood Orgy / Illustration © Anton Emdin 2016. All rights reserved.
You can read the whole article in the latest issue of GQ (with Ms. Kardashian on the cover). Or if you want to cheat, you can read it online here.
And I know a lot of you guys like seeing the process, so here's how it took shape along the way. It all starts with a quick thumbnail...
Then I work it up to a sketch. Here I've added the names for the client in case it was a bit rough.
Here it is partially inked (I 'inked' digitally, and I'm glad I did... there were quite a few small and large changes over the course of this one. Would have been a lot harder to change had it been traditionally rendered.)
And the finished inks...
From there I block in big areas of solid colour...
And then continue adding details until I get to the finished version you see at the top. There were actually a few structural changes (like moving the chandelier girl and removing the painting) that happened after completion. Buy the mag to see how it turned out in print!