Now Here Vs Nowhere Seminar
I'm honoured to be speaking alongside Matt Jackson and Nathaniel Eckstrom at the Now Here vs Nowhere workshop: How planning for the future can ease the stress of living in the moment. No, it's not the spoof from the Mike Myers movie The Love Guru, but the first of a series of workshops hosted by The Drawing Book Studios. It is aimed at up & coming artists, and I plan to chat about my career so far and some of the steps I've taken to realise my dreams. Hopefully everyone (including myself) will walk away with some useful tidbits of goodyliciousness.
Now Here vs Nowhere Affectors Workshop
Thurs 26th Sept, 11am - 1pm
M2 Gallery, 4/450 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills
Please email to reserve your place. Details in the flyer above.
Should be very interesting... I hope to see you there!