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Comic Strip Half Page Template

I'm currently in the process of starting a new comic strip. I've been toying with the idea of a daily-type of format, but I think the half page will give me a little more room to move, and also be better for viewing online and devices such as the Apple iPad. Over the years, I've kept notes and measurements for all the different formats I've worked in, as they come in very handy for reference. I spent a little time this morning knocking one up for the half page, and I thought I'd share it here. It may save you some time.

Half Page Comic Strip Template by Anton Emdin

It is designed for drawing on an A3 page (42 x 29.7 cm) and I've made the measurements as simple as possible (ie. 2mc in from top and bottom, 4cm in from sides) so it's a fraction shorter on the sides than the classic 4:3 ration. All the numbers are in centimetres (sorry, imperialists!) and will come in as a handy guide when I set up my page on the drawing board.

And for those interested about the new comic strip, I've been going through some ideas over the past few months, and have finally found some time recently to start designing characters. It should be fun! More details in the coming weeks...


EDIT: On the advice of fellow cartoonists, I've made the gaps between panels a little bigger. Here is the alternate template, below.

Half Page Comic Strip Template by Anton Emdin